
How to Save BioShock 2 with Games for Windows Live Offline Profile

1. Launch the game. Open the Windows Live menu. 

2. If you are already logged onto a profile (local or online), sign out (Create profile button will only become visible when you aren’t logged into anything) 

3. Click on ‘Create New Profile’ button. 

4. In the dialog box that pops up DO NOT hit continue. Hitting continue will take you to a registration page for an ONLINE profile – that’s not what we want.

5. Once in the ‘Create Gamer Profile’ window, scroll down so that you can see the bottom paragraph.

6. Look for the hyperlinked ‘create a local profile’ link in last paragraph. Clicking this will allow you to create a new offline profile. 

7. Enter your name

8. Then click to 'Done'.

The method above will work with any game based on GFWL 3.1. 


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