
Left 4 Dead Play on LAN (Offline)

We enable Left 4 Dead multiplayer with command. First we enable the game console window. For this:
Right click to Left 4 Dead shortcut and click Properties. Type " -console" (without quotation marks) to Target section. This setting must be both game server and other computers.

Before find out ip address of server pc. For find out ip address: Type cmd to Run and press enter. On dos prompt type ipconfig and press enter. Then open the game.

On console screen type maps * and press enter, map list will open.

Copy a map name from the list. Then type map mapname and press enter. For example map l4d_hospital01_apartment.bsp.

For access the other gamers to game, they must type connect ipaddress and enter to console screen. That ip address must be the server gamer's ip address.

Left 4 Dead 2 Play on LAN (Offline)


2 yorum:

Used PC Exporter said...

Nice Blog Post !

umer said...

HY its the first step we cannot possibly do!